Saturday, December 19, 2020

Advent calendar 2020 - day 17, 18 & 19 of Santa's workroom & crafting together (December)

Thursday Jolinda and I both have been working on our Advent calendars. She made good progress with both wall units. I started cutting the templates of the boxes for the next couple of days but then had trouble deciding which paper to use, so I started with the knitted Christmas bauble instead :')

Later that evening I made the boxes, using the miniatue wrapping paper Jolinda had suggested. Decorated them some with the coloured straw braids Kim had sent me.

I also kept on knitting, very meticulous but fun. I've choosen 3 colours instead of 2 and I like the combination. The Christmas bauble is turning out a bit bigger than a bauble should be so it might end up being a toy :)

Yesterday I made some long, white - and very thin - candles to fill the box I have made. And then I made a couple of smaller candles to put in the Christmas tree.
I didn't have the same ornaments from Bindels that Thea used for the candle holders but I found some smaller ones from the same shop that I have previously  bought in Rijswijk. I made the handles from wire and painted them with gold acrylic.
I thought they would be difficult to make, seeing that I didn't have the same materials, but it was fun to do and I love how they turned out!

They look very pretty in the tree. The round box with the longer candles is been put on the large wall unit.

Remember the plan I've showed you based on the measurements for the workroom?
Well, even if I'd make the partition wall partly open it still feels to crammed for my taste.

I thought it was because I kind of rotated the layout, but even without the partition wall with a front view the work room feels to small.

So, I'll be thinking about another layout :)

Day 1 - getting together the roombox
Day 2 - a standing-table
Day 3 - shelf unit above the desk
Day 4 - 3 drawers unit on wheels
Day 5 - a bench stool
Day 6 - Santa's little helper
Day 7 - Santa's little helper
Day 8 - Santa's little helper (hair & beard)
Day 9 - step stool
Day 10 - desk accessories
Day 11 - desk pad & paper bin
Day 12 - Christmas tree
Day 13 - tree skirt
Day 14 - small wall unit 
Day 15 - large wall unit
Day 16 - Christmas tree candles
Day 17 - knitted Christmas bauble

Day 19 - Christmas cookies

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