Friday, January 31, 2020

Crafting together (January)

For the first crafting afternoon this year I was all set for working with Fimo. I'd even bought five new colours ^^
So while Jolinda was working hard on the stairs for her Greek scene and Monique was making a lot of different miniatures from Fimo, I tried my hand at making a polymer clay cane. I'll just show you some (bad ^^) photo's this time.

A polymer clay cane is a log of polymer clay that’s made with a design that runs the entire length of the log. Slices from the cane will reveal a design and all slices from the cane will have identical designs. A polymer clay cane can be reduced by squeezing and compressing. This makes the diameter of the log smaller and the design smaller. Source and more information: here 
I used this book by the talented Angie Scarr.

The most challenging part for me was
to cut them into very tiny slices.

I was amazed that I managed to make
one cane and even a cabbage while
the ladies were here; never been so
productive before lol

And I even made some cauliflowers later that afternoon.

I did have fun making them and I'll certainly want to do more
fruit or vegetables from the book ^^ There is definitely
room for improvement, but I think it's not too bad for a first try ^^
They might end up in the Italian project :)