Three days ago Jolinda, Wil and I met for our monthly crafting afternoon xD
Since my 1:1 life had demanded most of my time and energy the previous weeks, I'd looked forwards to do some crafting again.
We continued with our doors. Wil and I started with making the two small panels, and after that started with the frame. Jolinda wasn't entirely happy with her frame, and worked and that for awhile before she started on the door.
Despite lots of talking (mainly by me, according to Jolinda and Wil :P) we'd all made progress after two hours. Hopefully we can finish the door the next time and stain it.
From right to left the roombox of Wil, Jolinda and mine.
It will be a bit crowded, but hopefully there
will be room for a little window and
a climbing (wall) plant :)
Het ziet er leuk uit, Arlette; ik denk dat je zeker nog wel ruimte hebt voor een raam en een klimplant. Dan wordt het lekker vol......