The metal looking details for the trunk were the most time-consuming part of the process. Especially glueing them :') I started with Tacky glue but that didn't work well enough, so in the end I used Super glue.
I made them from aluminum small and large tea light cups. Could have just drawn and cut them but for the first parts I used brass embossing stencils I had.
I cut them, made same tiny holes at both ends by piercing them and glued them. Super glue was needed ;)
Four on the front, four on the back and on to the next parts.
I forgot to show before, but this is how I tried to make them look less shiny and new. First I sanded the aluminum, I added a bit of black nail polish and then dabbed it with a paper towel before it dried completely. If there's still too much black, you could use some sand paper as well.
For the corner parts I drew the shape with a pencil on the aluminum and cut it with sharp siccors. Repeated that multiple times before I had a shape that fitted the corned and looked half way decent (a)
After a cut the parts for the eight corners. A bit too much black so I sanded them a bit.
I punctured then on all three corners (with the silver side up), and made the holes for the side of the trunk a little bigger.
I've forgotten to take photo's when I made the longer metal strips but the process is the same.
The only thing missing are the locks but for those I'll look in Rijswijk at the fair next month :)
All in all, I'm very happy with the way it turned out. And though I normally need a tutorial or something to get started and make my own version of something, it was once trying to work this out on my own with only the movie stills for inspiration.
I hope you like following the process and if you want to know something about that, don't hesitate to contact me, here or on my Facebook page :)