Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Square wooden chandelier

This weekend I've made a chandelier for the living room of the Hogsmeade cottage. I had already been planning that but so far I had not seen a tutorial or example for one that I liked for a cottage.
Untill I found a great tutoral from Jennifer's Miniatures and instantly fell in love with that chandelier :)
Since mine would be hanging above the sitting area instead of a diner table, I've made a square one instead of a rectangular. Mine is made from Balsa and measures 5 x 5 cm and I used an oak woodstain to match the beams at the ceiling.

For the candles I used an (old) tutorial or Marike's Magical Miniatures from an old DHN magazine. This time I used even less Fimo cognac to mix with Fimo Translucent White.

Top: old baked ones with a bit more cognac
colour. Middle: the new baked candles. Under:
prebaked Fimo Translucent white with a sliver
of cognac colour.

I put a pin needle in the middle (before baking)
and carefully rolled it like a rolling pin to
make enough room for the wires.

I painted strips of black card board with lamp
black acrylic paint, and then put some
Fimo glaze on it (a)

I mixed a bit of the polymer clay with some vaseline till it
got sticky and then added (a lot of) Liquid Fimo for the
dripping effect on the candles.

I put the candles on a same sized piece of Balsa, covered with
tin foil, hoping I would be able to get some 'drips' hanging
from the wood as well :) And then I crossed my fingers and
wished the paper wouldn't burn ^^

Which it didn't ;) So time to put the little
lights in the candles, and check if it worked.

Using the heat shrink tube was a bit scary, because I kept
expecting the glue or the Fimo to melt ;) Maybe that's why
I didn't shrunk as much as I thought it would.

But I'm still more than happy with the result
and also a bit proud (a)

A photo can't even capture how wonderful it looks
with it's light on, but still! 

Before I'll put the chandelier in place I have to finish the walls and the floor, so that's a very good motivation ;)

The lights I used are Nal-LEDS from Nalladris. I'll be used this system for all lights, candles and fire places in the cottage!